

There are several options to use the EPANET Toolkit or its derivatives from C++:


EPANET-RTX is the real-time extension to the EPANET toolkit. The EPANET-RTX sources can be found on Github:


Using Ubuntu 13.10, the following steps will allow you to build and run EPANET-RTX:

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev build-essential clang git libconfig++-dev libiodbc2-dev libmysqlcppcon-dev
git clone
cd epanet-rtx/build/linux
cp /usr/lib


EPANET-RTX's jc branch contains a version that can be compiled using Visual C++ 2012. Run git checkout jc in the EPANET-RTX git repository in order to switch to that branch. There's a README file detailed build instructions.


OS X developers will find an XCode project in the build/xcode folder of the EPANET-RTX repository.

Visual C++ Solution using the C EPANET Toolkit DLL - Simple Visual C++ Express Edition 2010 project that illustrates how to use the EPANET Toolkit DLL in C++.

If you extract the files to c:\tmp and compile the solution successfully, you could try the following steps on commandline to test the application:

OOTEN - Object-Oriented Toolkit for EPANET

OOTEN is based on the EPANET Programmers Toolkit, and incorporates all the functionality of the EPANET Programmers Toolkit in an object-oriented shell. It also adds functionality that is currently not available in the EPANET Programmers Toolkit.

EPANET is written in ANSI-compatible C and OOTEN in ANSI C++. OOTEN was developed using Borland C++ Builder version 6.0, but should compile with any ANSI C and C++ compatible compiler. no visual components, such as windows, are referenced in the OOTEN source code.

Like the EPANET sources, the OOTEN sources are Public Domain.


OOTEN Source Code

The OOTEN sources are available from

Contents of

This archive contains the source code for OOTEN (Object- Oriented Toolkit for EpaNet), as well as the EPANET 2 source code.

The files included in OOTEN.ZIP are listed below in the following categories:

  • Help files
  • EPANET source code files
  • OOTEN source code files
  • Example Borland C++ Builder project files

Help Files

The following files are included to provide help for users of OOTEN:

README.TXT -- this file

OOTEN.HLP -- a help file for using OOTEN

Epanet Source Code Files

The following standard EPANET source files (C-code) are included in this archive:

    INPUT1.C  -- controls processing of input data
    INPUT2.C  -- reads data from input file
    INPUT3.C  -- parses individual lines of input data
    INPFILE.C -- saves modified input data to a text file
    RULES.C   -- implements rule-based control of piping system
    HYDRAUL.C -- computes extended period hydraulic behavior
    QUALITY.C -- tracks transport & fate of water quality
    OUTPUT.C  -- handles transfer of data to and from binary files
    REPORT.C  -- handles reporting of results to text file
    SMATRIX.C -- sparse matrix linear equation solver routines
    MEMPOOL.C -- memory pool management routines
    HASH.C    -- hash table routines

Also included are the following standard EPANET header files:

    FUNCS.H    -- prototypes of all other functions
    TYPES.H    -- declaration of global constants and data structures
    VARS.H     -- declaration of global variables
    HASH.H     -- header file for hash table routines
    MEMPOOL.H  -- header file for memory pool routines
    ENUMSTXT.H -- string constants for enumerated types
    TEXT.H     -- declaration of all other string constants

The following EPANET source code file (C-code) was altered, but retains all its original functionality. To differentiate altered EPANET source code files from standard ones, the altered files are saved with a '_on' extension.

    EPANET_ON.C  -- main module providing supervisory control.

The following EPANET header code file was altered, but retains all its original functionality. To differentiate altered EPANET source code files from standard ones, the altered files are saved with a '_on' extension.

    TOOLKIT_ON.H  -- function prototypes of Toolkit functions 

The comments at the top of each file lists the date when the latest update was made, and these updates can be located in the code by searching for the keywords "/*** Updated".

Other useful documentation that can be consulted includes the EPANET Programmers Toolkit Help file and the EPANET Version 2 Users Manual.

Changes to standard EPANET files can be located in the code by searching for the keyword "jevz".

OOTEN Source Code Files

The following ANSI C++ OOTEN source code files are included in this archive:

ONOBJECT.CPP      -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONObject
ONOBJECT.H        -- definition of the OOTEN class ONObject (top most class)
ONSYSTEM.CPP      -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONSystem
ONSYSTEM.H        -- definition of the OOTEN class ONSystem
ONELEMENT.CPP     -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONElement
ONELEMENT.H       -- definition of the OOTEN class ONElement
ONNODE.CPP        -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONNode
ONNODE.H          -- definition of the OOTEN class ONNode
ONLINK.CPP        -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONLink
ONLINK.H          -- definition of the OOTEN class ONLink
ONPATTERN.CPP     -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONPattern
ONPATTERN.H       -- definition of the OOTEN class ONPattern
ONCURVE.CPP       -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONCurve
ONCURVE.H         -- definition of the OOTEN class ONCurve
ONCONTROL.CPP     -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONControl
ONCONTROL.H       -- definition of the OOTEN class ONControl
ONJUNCTION.CPP    -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONJunction
ONJUCTION.H       -- definition of the OOTEN class ONJunction
ONTANK.CPP        -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONTank
ONTANK.H          -- definition of the OOTEN class ONTank
ONRESERVOIR.CPP   -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONReservoir
ONRESERVOIR.H     -- definition of the OOTEN class ONReservoir
ONPIPE.CPP        -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONPipe
ONPIPE.H          -- definition of the OOTEN class ONPipe
ONPUMP.CPP        -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONPump
ONPUMP.H          -- definition of the OOTEN class ONPump
ONVALVE.CPP       -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONValve
ONVALVE.H         -- definition of the OOTEN class ONValve
ONFVC.CPP         -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONFVC
ONFVC.H           -- definition of the OOTEN class ONFVC (flow control valve)
ONGPV.CPP         -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONGPV
ONGPV.H           -- definition of the OOTEN class ONGPV (general purpose 
ONPBV.CPP         -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONPBV 
ONPBV.H           -- definition of the OOTEN class ONPBV (pressure breaker 
ONPRV.CPP         -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONPRV
ONPRV.H           -- definition of the OOTEN class ONPRV (pressure reducing 
ONPSV.CPP         -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONPSV
ONPSV.H           -- definition of the OOTEN class ONPSV (pressure sustaining
ONTCV.CPP         -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONTCV
ONTCV.H           -- definition of the OOTEN class ONTCV (throttle control 
ONEXCEPTION.CPP   -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONException
ONEXCEPTION.H     -- definition of the OOTEN class ONException
ONENEXCEPTION.CPP -- implementation of the OOTEN class ONENException
ONENEXCEPTION.H   -- definition of the OOTEN class ONENException

Borland C++ Builder Project Files

The following Borland Builder C++ Builder (version 6.0) project files are included in this archive as an example of how to implement OOTEN in Borland C++ Builder:

OOTEN.BPR       -- Borland C++ Builder project file
OOTEN.BPF       -- Borland C++ Builder support file
OOTEN.RES       -- Borland C++ Builder resources file
EXAMPLE1.CPP    -- implementation of example 1 defined in help - contains 
                   main() function
NET1.INP        -- example EPANET input file - used in EXAMPLE1.CPP