
Supporting is easy

If you like what's offered on, here's how you can say "Thank You".

Do you shop at Amazon?

If you would like to support, simply start your Amazon shopping using the search form below. Thanks!

How does it work?

If you use the above form to search for things to buy, will earn money through the Amazon affiliate program. Note that currently only Amazon.con and are supported.

What does it cost?

It doesn't cost you anything. You pay the normal price at Amazon.

Do you use PayPal or a Credit Card?

A fast, easy and secure way to express your support.

How does it work?

You use your Paypal account or Credit Card to donate.

What does it cost?

You're free to give any amount you like.

Do you Flattr?

Flattr is a popular Micropayment system. If you don't know Flattr, please have a look at

How does it work?

You join flattr and transfer money to your Flattr account. Once you've done that, a simple click is sufficient to donate to and thousands of other websites. And your donation will draw additional attention from other possible donors.

How much does it cost?

You're free to give any amount you like.

Leftover Bitcoins?

Please use the following Bitcoin address to support


Bitcoin Block Explorer lists donations to this address:

Donations and expenses

Your donations will be spent for web hosting and software license cost (operating systems and virtualization software).


The price for an sponsorship is €300 in 2014. Sponsors may be mentioned on this page (sponsorship does not automatically entitle you for this). Ads will be removed from if there is a sponsor. Sponsorship price will be adjusted in coming years according to the page use.



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