
EPANET Z combines EPANET with mapping data from the internet

Zonum Solutions has added the ability to view data from Google Maps, Yahoo Maps or Virtual Earth in EPANET. The derived EPANET version is called EPANET Z.

Note that is not affiliated with Zonum Solutions. cannot help you with EPANET Z download problems.

Below is a mockup of EPANET Z: A screenshot of EPANET Z around Google Maps.

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More information is available on the EPANET Z page.

Alternatives to EPANET-Z

QGIS with plugins like GHydraulics might be an alternative to EPANET-Z.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for EPANET-Z

Coordinate System

The map sources in EPANET Z use geographic coordinates (latitude/longitude) on the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84) datum.

In case you would like to use an EPANET *.inp file that uses UTM coordinates, you can use the online EpaGeo service provided by Zonum Solutions. In this case, please select the option "UTM to Decimal Degrees".
